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Entertainment and Media Law Services

Entertainment and Media Law Services

Why is it necessary to understand why there is a need for legal assistance in the field of Entertainment and Media. The advertising, media and entertainment industry in India has grown rapidly over the last decade, with Indian and foreign players working together in a symbiotic manner.
Entertainment lawyers can fill several roles, which depend on what their specialization is and what their clients need. Here are some of their functions, which also show their significance in the industry:

o Review legal documents such as licensing agreements, recording agreements, bank loans, appearance release, investments, and sponsorship deals
o Work on financial agreements
o Prepare form agreements
o Facilitate deals in distribution
o Negotiate and draft contracts
o Ensure that their clients understand the documents they’re signing
o Protect clients’ interests
o Can be liaisons to connect entertainers or talents with networks, venues, agents, and professional associations
o Can defend their clients regarding their intellectual property rights

There are various acts that have been enacted in India that apply to Entertainment and Media industries and provide legal security for the same. To name a few, The Copyright Act, 1957; The Trade Marks Act, 1999; Cable Television Network (Regulation) Act, 1994, etc. These acts help secure the rights of people concerned with respect to E&M industries and may be referred to when dealing with any situation that requires legal assistance.